Probably the last article I will port over. Maybe.
I have the best job in the world. I get to surf the web all day, watch TV at night, and write about anything I want to. It makes me all warm and fuzzy to know that I get to share my opinions -- good or bad -- with the masses.
Also, I get to wear my pajamas most of the day. That's always a nice feeling.
Now, I love me some YouTube. It's awesome. I can get lost for hours watching videos of people popping cysts, the weirdness of "scene queens", crazy Photoshop wonders, and lame slide shows. I also get graced with things that melt faces with their extreme awesomeness. Below, a list of the awesome channels will be made for your subscribing pleasure. Fair warning, some of these channels contain strong language, opinions, and extreme hotness.It's a thing, don't judge me.
Note: I was going to try to score a few interviews with the channel owners, but it didn't work out like that. Maybe sometime soon I can set something up. Until then, my vouch system will have to do.
Also Note: I just got lost for almost an hour on Tumblr. That place is a black hole of win.. internet crack. Someone take it away!
Epic Meal Time

If you want to laugh until you almost pee, this will make it happen. These guys? They're hilarious. I can see my husband making the same meals.. bacon weave? Meat ice cream parties?
Chinese leftover pie? Yes. It's all here. And it is awesome. I follow them for constant laughs, and there hasn't been a time they haven't delivered. Also, really hot chicks chowing down on huge pieces of meat. That right there is always watchable. I finally got through all of the videos a couple of days ago, and I think I may or may not be inclined to try to make a meat gingerbread house, bacon weave, and homemade clam chowder. There are actual recipes scattered through all of the yelling and bacon, and it's easy to learn when you're constantly engaged. Sauce boss fo' life!

Now, if you know me personally, or from anything I post on Twitter, you know I hate Rap. I don't like R&B, I don't like Hip Hop.. it's not my thing. There's just something about songs that talk about hoes and abbreviations that just isn't what I like to listen to. But! Oh, wow. This guy? This guy has more talent in one of his amazing fitted caps than most "rappers" have in their entire album collection. From
challenge videos, where he sings about a user-given topic, to original songs that blow your mind, DeStorm never disappoints. I have turned on so many of my friends to his music, and they all agree that he's going places. So, "What's up world?
Another day, another challenge."
Michelle Phan

This one is mostly for the ladies. If you want to learn nifty
make-up tricks, DIY ways to save money on every day products, the latest and greatest trends in color and application (of make-up), then you're going to want to hit the "Subscribe" button on this chick. I've never been a girly girl. I've always had trouble with my make-up, my hair, and knowing how to do the simplest things to enhance my features. I stumbled upon her channel, and the rest is history. I now know how to make my own pore strips (for pennies), cucumber
eye treatments (that save my tired, strained eyes daily), and amazing make-up remover (with things I already keep on hand). I can also curl my hair without heat and it last for days, wear a beautiful scarf in seven different ways, and I know what kind of colors look best with my skin and eyes. Also, she gave me the tools to cosplay perfectly.
My Drunk Kitchen

Have you ever wondered what cooking while hammered would be like? Now you don't have to!
Hannah Hart is absolutely stellar at it.. kind-of. Things may not always come out right, but they always come with edible sides of laughter and fun. Watching her get plastered and try to make things like cookies, tacos, meat balls, and packaged food, will be the greatest thing you do that day. She has guests, makes music videos, does vlogs, and always looks good while she's at it. Her Twitter is pretty awesome, too. Harto fans everywhere love her, and you should too!
Dragon Age: Redemption

Felicia Day blows it out of the water in the
Dragon Age web mini-series,
Dragon Age: Redemption. It's short, sweet, and to the point. I couldn't have loved it more. I was left wishing it would never end, much like her smash series The Guild, but I could watch it over and over and never get bored. If you love Dragon Age, or even if you don't, this is well worth your time to check out. They did such a good job that I find myself lost for a description. It's just something you have to see for yourself.
Jenna Marbles
Jenna Mourney/Marbles will blow your mind. She's gorgeous, honest, funny, and completely awesome in every way. She reminds me a lot of myself: sailor mouth, brutal honesty, complete obsession of her very loved
pets, and great boobs. I'm a little pensive to use one of my favorite sayings, because she coined it on the internet first. I don't want to seem like a tool, so I refrain. Her videos that are uploaded on "Sexual Wednesday", and her awesome knack for putting everything in a way that people can relate to, make her channel one that you're not living right if you're living without. Her Twitter and Facebook are always good for a round of laughs as well. The Spiderman picture-love is also a really big perk, because, well, who doesn't love Spiderman?!
I am certain there are other channels out there that are awesome, but I don't care. I've found my favorites, and these are it. Every kind of humor that's worth watching on YouTube is represented. I have been all over that site and back, and have still yet to find channels I love more. I can't wait to hear the tears of laughter and joy from you guys who haven't checked them out yet. For those of you that have, you know what I mean.
Happy subscribing!
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